Saturday, April 25, 2020

This article presents an overview of the process a Essays - Reading

This article presents an overview of the process and mechanics of language development, along with implications for practice. The Stages of Developmental Reading is a continuum that explains how students' progress as readers. These stages are based mostly on the students' experience and not their age or grade level. Knowing these Benchmarks is helpful when developing materials for specific types of readers. When teaching children, who can work with concepts of print and are at the beginning stages of developing the ability to focus attention on letter-sound relationships. You know that child is in the EARLY EMERGENT LITERACY STAGE. While a child in the EMERGENT LITERACY STAGE, can discuss the background of the story to better understand the actions in the story and the message the story carries. The next benchmark is the BEGINNING READING AND WRITING, this stage has all the other two only now the child is becoming familiar with the writing process. This child is has developed to become early, fluent). Fluent readers are confident in their understandings of text and how text works, and they are reading independently. Students here are maintaining all stages from previous, and are showing continual growth in all benchmarks of developmental reading.